Welcome to the
Vinequery community

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Vinequery is a blockchain company that provides NFT’s and trading solutions dedicated to the fine wine industry in order to transform wine assets into tradable NFT’s ,

Vinequery develops a multifunction wallet app, which includes new features like creation of wine NFT’s and a valuation system of wine parameters as part of the NFT metadata verified by sommeliers and wine profesional on a shared and incentive economy model

The company is launching a reward program for sommeliers and wine professionals in order to stake The VST into the vinequery Communitie to register interest and generate local currency

And how do you get in on the action?

Vinequery runs an incentive program, where sommeliers and wine professionals will be rewarded with VST utility tokens when they register on the wallet app following the next steps:

  1. First, join the whitelist by filling the form below.
  2. After joining the whitelist you will get an email in order to complete the registration process.
  3. After finishing the registration process, you should login-in to automatically create an Ethereum wallet 
  4. Once you sign in , press the “claim tokens" button on the top bar inside the app  and complete the form Qualified Validators and press the button to create a sommelier profile. 
  5. The system will send a notification by email and also on the app about “Your free tokens are on the way “ . 

Once you complete your sommelier profile, you will become a new member of the Vinequery community as  Qualified Validators.

Claim Your Tokens

Claim period is:

 June 24, 2023 - August  24, 2023

What is the token VST
(Vine Swap Token) ?

What is a token?

'Token' is another word for digital currency or cryptocurrency. They are fungible (interchangeable) assets that can be used as money or in exchange for specific services on the internet. Instead of running on banking infrastructure like USD or EUR, tokens live on internet infrastructure called Distributed Ledgers or Blockchains.

Do I need a token to join a DAO?

Yes, most DAOs issue their own native tokens so you will need to own some of those tokens to become a member.

The VST (Vine Swap Token) is the digital currency that coordinates economic incentives to reward sommeliers , wine advisors, wineries, wine brokers, wine lovers, investors, developers and a company team.

At a high level, the native token of the project (VST) has the following functions:

A primary function of token VST is the ability to allocate interest to projects into new types of wine assets.

VST will also provide access to the voting system as a consensus mechanism for the valuation of wine collections which includes the proof of provenance and the market value.

The Token VST will encourage participants to mint NFT wines and organize data related to the NFT effectively.

The Vinequery token (VST ) was created as a utility token to support the Vinequery community which is now live on the Ethereum blockchain with the goal of adding a layer of reliability, which provides more value to the fine wine NFTs as digital assets and enhancing the ownership experience.

The total supply of token (VST) for the project is 500 million of VST and around 500K will be distributed amongst a network of sommeliers as validators.

Vinequery DAO

What is a DAO?

A DAO is an online community that jointly controls a cryptocurrency wallet to pursue common goals, such as running a business or charity.

What does 'DAO' stand for?

Decentralized Autonomous Organization. The term was coined by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin in his 2014 article

Vinequery is building a  DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), which  can distribute their ownership by giving out tokens (VST) and  keeps everyone aligned whether you are a sommeliers ,wine professional in order to make a valuation of the wine parameters to  provide a more robust price of each wine collection.

The Vinequery DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), is powered by the voices and votes of a sommelier community, wine traders, wine enthusiasts, investors, and wineries in order to promote top-quality wine NFTs.